Pencil, Ruler, Eraser, Calculator, Bottle, Book and also my Spectacles
All these things is necessary when I start to study
I realize that I became more and more hardworking
I don't know what happen with me
The time I online almost gonna equal to the time I study
But I'm not trying to stress myself:)
Maybe it is a good thing for me
I found psychology is a pretty interested subject
although it might be pretty hard
(even though sometimes I am yawning in the class.xD)
but it "opened" my brain
I'm eating the psychology book
and also
human communication
see, I am damn hard working
Alright, I don't want to mention anymore=X
Assignment month is coming very very soon.
I think i should have enough time to finish those assignment?
Try My Best.
and also mid term exam.
don't know how the lecturers do the question
Hmm, everything will be okay.:D
and some encouragement to my friends too.
PMR and SPM are coming
very very very
hyper hyper hyper
I think it would not be a BIG matter
because when you step in to college
you will be more suffer than that
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