ytd was my birthday=)
9 July 2010
i had a amazing activity for my birthday
that was collect 17 friends kisses..xD
just cheek kiss la of course
boy or girl also can de
then at school they really got kiss me
and then take picture as a proof
actually i want 1 take only then enuugh dy de
but they keep ng and take over and over again
then kisses already over 17
now i lazy to write
see picture ba~~
1st--the very first kiss..gan jeong><

2nd--he keep kiss me to get a good shooting of picture><
3rd--got ppl say his lips sexy..(i'm so ugly leh)

4th--mark goh..duno his gf will kill me or not..xD

5th--yong hui also keep take again and again..><

6th and 7th--tis 2 guys really make me SHY><
8th--i dont know why guang guang so passion==


10th and 11th--haha..tis really hyper ugly!

12th--i really forced to do that..see my emotion also knw==

13th--she likes me?LOL

14th--haha..arh zu..

15th--the wettest kiss..><

16th and 17th--most blissful kiss..xD

after school jordan光 , gary 达, square柔 , pacy灵 , chi how 濠and me go sing k
we sing 1.30pm de
gary rid his motor come find me without helmet
i first time rid so fast geh motor lo
until my hair become lembik dy
then we having fun at thr=D
i lazy to write
also see pictures ba..xD
i like got the 外国人geh feel

jordan leng zai with his hat^^

ah da...too cute la..haha

singing neh..haha


then zin ying sms me say that she at pizza hut with his bro
then we go thr sit sit lo
afterthat she go fetch her sister
we sit at pizza hut wait she come back
while waiting , we take picture again
so noob><

rock boy and noob girl..haha


at night they all went to the shop near my house to eat clay pot chicken rice
wait so long to eat neh>< style="color: rgb(204, 102, 0);">durian pula.. haha i named it as durian party hehe

eat durian also want rock==

thx synthia , cass and shi teng buy me this cake
it's nice^^

making wish..but i also dont know what to make that time><

then all of them play at my house
play poker
play my sis stuff(hair band and bla bla bla==)
they put it on mark's head
yong hui be the designer

2010 version--"bao zou gong"

happy day=)

9 July 2010
i had a amazing activity for my birthday
that was collect 17 friends kisses..xD
just cheek kiss la of course
boy or girl also can de
then at school they really got kiss me
and then take picture as a proof
actually i want 1 take only then enuugh dy de
but they keep ng and take over and over again
then kisses already over 17
now i lazy to write
see picture ba~~
1st--the very first kiss..gan jeong><

2nd--he keep kiss me to get a good shooting of picture><
3rd--got ppl say his lips sexy..(i'm so ugly leh)
4th--mark goh..duno his gf will kill me or not..xD
5th--yong hui also keep take again and again..><

6th and 7th--tis 2 guys really make me SHY><

8th--i dont know why guang guang so passion==
10th and 11th--haha..tis really hyper ugly!
12th--i really forced to do that..see my emotion also knw==
13th--she likes me?LOL
14th--haha..arh zu..
15th--the wettest kiss..><
16th and 17th--most blissful kiss..xD
after school jordan光 , gary 达, square柔 , pacy灵 , chi how 濠and me go sing k
we sing 1.30pm de
gary rid his motor come find me without helmet
i first time rid so fast geh motor lo
until my hair become lembik dy
then we having fun at thr=D
i lazy to write
also see pictures ba..xD
i like got the 外国人geh feel
jordan leng zai with his hat^^
ah da...too cute la..haha
singing neh..haha
then zin ying sms me say that she at pizza hut with his bro
then we go thr sit sit lo
afterthat she go fetch her sister
we sit at pizza hut wait she come back
while waiting , we take picture again
so noob><
rock boy and noob girl..haha
at night they all went to the shop near my house to eat clay pot chicken rice
wait so long to eat neh>< style="color: rgb(204, 102, 0);">durian pula.. haha i named it as durian party hehe
eat durian also want rock==
thx synthia , cass and shi teng buy me this cake
it's nice^^

making wish..but i also dont know what to make that time><
then all of them play at my house
play poker
play my sis stuff(hair band and bla bla bla==)
they put it on mark's head
yong hui be the designer
2010 version--"bao zou gong"
happy day=)
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