long time dint write my blog in english le..
ytd I went out again with my lovely frens..
we went Jusco Green box to celebrate yong hui's birthday..
b4 tis..
we argue for the rooms problem..
cz some of them wanna separate room and some of them wanna combine room..
luckily at last settle already..
then tat day i same roon with girls in small room and others in big room..
then me and zin ying bought a cake for yong hui..
it cost rm58..
but damn nice and taste good too..
I and 2 sei ngan leng lui..xD
ah hwa..hoho
yen yew dun wan me post tis on fb..><
i'm so blissful..xD(so mang lui beside me)

all of us..^^
after tat we hang around at Jusco then plane to go to Florence's(Mark's property) house to take angpau at Kajang..
her house damn far actually..
then we keep talking at thr..
talk about others bad thg..
i'm so helpful tat time so i just listen then forget it..
at around 5.30pm we went bck to cheras and go to the last station-Jordan's house..
Him house having steamboat party tonight and we are invited to there to eat for FREE..
steamboat again..
i try to drink carlsberg but failed..
so damn pahit..
then i drink it with ribena..
then we keep playing vii(a video game) at him house..
we play tat just by shaking the remote control only..
so fun..

after tat we sit at outside and chit chatting..
then we back home at around 11.30pm..
i spend a great time today=)