bee's house..><

bees..wadat lo..

u see~big yam!

yang guang=D

zilian le..xD

u can see tis small plants at anywhr rite??

but tis small plants grow bigly at cameron..and it can be eaten also!

own made toilet at the top of the mountain..haha

the view at the top of the mountain..

my aunt..dont ingat she is the yan nei mui ar..xD

my aunt farm at top of the mountain

delicious fruit cake

happy family..haha

happy birthday

the baby

flower prince..xD


tis is flower ball..nice?

cameron valley..bharat..??

only my dad looking at the camera==

Do not pluck the tea leaves!!

i look like the worker at tea farm..LOL

ma lat lou==wearing slipper..

my mum and my aunt..=D

err..so dark?

got a dirty water fall thr..haha

tea farm

their school..

these guys are orang asli..they sit in side a proton saga with 5 adult..+all 15 ppl..OMG..so pro neh!

cute lil chick..

see the goat de pet pet..xD

orang asli housing area..

sooo asli nia..
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