In a Sunday afternoon, it's raining heavily with thunderstorm.
I'm alone at home.
and when I went out to balcony, I saw this bird.
I felt it's so pity.
Outside was rain freaking heavily and cold.
But these bird stand at the ‘iron' there to shelter from rain.
my goodness.
feel to rescue it but I can't
The bird must fly away from me if I do so.
After a few mins, it really flew away with a very weak fly.
Wind was so strong.
I'm very busy these few weeks.
That's why no time to update my blog.
Done with all the assignment and paperwork.
3 more presentation are waiting for me.
3 MORE!!
If you notice that, I'm very weak in presenting especially formal presentation.
It's really killing me :'(
Always get a low marks for presentation part.
always make myself disappointed.
I'm very worry about my speech presentation on Tuesday.
Practice makes perfect.
But sometimes it is useless when comes to the time when present.
Is like Holly Shi*><
I should not escape.
The bird did not escape the rain.
I should face it as well.
Try my best to find ways to overcome it.
Such as singing out rock songs loudly to reduce my nervousness.
It can helps in projecting my voice too.
But on that day presenting, where should I find a place to sing?><